“I lost my heart to Kundalini yoga”

My name is Angie
I’m a Kundalini Yoga teacher and founder of Sat Nam Vintage, carefully handpicked vintage treasures, I live in Denmark in the beautiful City, Copenhagen. I’ve been fascinated and lost my heart to Kundalini yoga 13 years ago and I have since then known that I would be a Kundalini yoga teacher one day, the technology has increased my quality of life.
I am a householder indeed, being a mother, wife, sister, friend and daughter is definitely also being a leader and to manage all these different hats I have and need tools, my Kundalini yoga tools. My deepest passion is to uplift, give courage and serve, that’s why I know I am so drawn to the profound Technology of Kundalini yoga. It simply gives you the power to ventilate the pressure of the time we are facing and living in today and It gives you a sense of stability and piles on your auric layers so you become more able to think your own thoughts and question the majority of ways we are thought to live in society today.
So what is the fuss about?
What is this Kundalini yoga fuss about?! I just plain fell in love with how it made me feel the very first time I tried it. It really is the huge amount of pranayama (breath work) we do while practicing KY that does it for me - I feel so fresh, renewed and energized after. The other thing is the mantras, they are incredibly healing and they are beyond beautiful and they Will make you feel deep things. In KY you are doing a self-healing and that is just so epic to me because you don't have to go elsewhere to “fix” things, you can sit at home on your sheepskin and do the work yourself, it is so addictive because you get to sit in the drivers seat of your life.
Then when I became a mother to my no. 2 and I had taken on 36 kg, didn’t get any sleep and was on the verge of total exhaustion, I one night dreamt of Kundalini yoga. In the morning next day, I went on YouTube and started doing Kundalini yoga everyday. It was so amazing what happened, I suddenly got energy and became a happier mother and girlfriend. Plus, you should also know that Kundalini yoga is not a walk in the park and you get very strong by doing it.
Ever since I started my daily practise and kept showing up on the mat everyday my life has changed. I feel so empowered, strong and energetic. That's why I have made it a mission to share the amazing benefits of Kundalini yoga. Simply because it works and gives you energy.